Maggot Stomp Georgie
Maggot Stomp Georgie
Maggot Stomp Georgie
Maggot Stomp Georgie
Maggot Stomp Georgie
Maggot Stomp Georgie

Maggot Stomp

Maggot Stomp Georgie

Sale price$50.00
Georgie came to us in June of 2022. It had been months since we lost our last dog and we were starting to warm up to the idea that we wanted a new furry friend. We wanted a female pitbull that wasn’t a puppy, and this derpy face popped up on Instagram. Her name was Liza, she was described as crusty and a “little meatball”. She was perfect.

We drove about four hours to Fresno to pick her up. We were told she was “30-something” pounds, when she came busting into the office where we were filling out paperwork it was clear that “-something” meant another 20 pounds. She was short and thick and a pretty little thing.

On our drive home we stopped in Bakersfield to grab some food. When we rolled up to the restaurant we happened upon Jaime from Abhorrency/Denunciation also getting food. Him and his crew were driving to LA from Sacramento for a black metal fest. We chatted for a bit, took some pics with Georgie and Jaime asked me when I was going to do a Victory Records rip off with Georgie. I laughed it off at first, but after thinking about it, I thought it could be a good way to give back to Georgie’s rescue, the Fresno Bully Rescue, and to other worthwhile organizations helping out pitbulls and other bully breeds.

Check out: @fresnobullyrescue & @packofpibbles